Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) an essential tool for Zimbabwe to address infrastructural deficits in optimizing trade under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has commenced and it is imperative that Zimbabwe puts in place efficient and robust infrastructure to optimize trading under the AfCFTA.   With an increase in intra-African trade, it is inevitable that  bulky goods will be transported in and out of Zimbabwe requiring  an efficient transportation whichContinue reading “Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) an essential tool for Zimbabwe to address infrastructural deficits in optimizing trade under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)”


In this week’s article we discuss the claim of unjustified enrichment. A claim for unjust enrichment is used to describe a situation wherein one party benefits at the other party’s expense, in circumstances where the law considers to be unjust. Thus, a claim for unjust enrichment may be an appropriate basis of claim in aContinue reading “UNDERSTANDING THE CLAIM OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT”

The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA)- What is in it for Zimbabwean businesses?

“It is clear that we must find an African solution to our problems, and that this can only be found in African unity. Divided we are weak; united, Africa could become one of the greatest forces for good in the world.” – Kwame Nkrumah The African Continental Free Trade Area (“AfCFTA”) is finally here andContinue reading “The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA)- What is in it for Zimbabwean businesses?”


In this week’s blog, we will be discussing remedies that are available to an aggrieved party in instances where there is a breach of contract. A breach of contract occurs when a party to an agreement fails to fulfil any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of the contract. When this occurs, the aggrieved partyContinue reading REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT

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