Chido Pamela Mafongoya

Chido Pamela Mafongoya is a registered legal practitioner of the Superior Courts of Zimbabwe. She graduated from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) in 2015. She is currently pursuing a Masters in International Trade, Investment and Business Law at the University of Western Cape in South Africa. Chido has been practising law for five years where she has enjoyed a high level of autonomy and responsibility in delivering professional legal services. She has vast experience in litigation, commercial law, property law and mining law. Chido has over the years firmly established herself as a key contact for the preparation, development and review of legal documents in accordance with clients’ instructions. Her interests are in international trade , investment and business law, particularly how these areas can be used as a tool to advance African economies.

Outside of the day to day legal work, Chido is passionate about giving back to society by educating the community on legal issues. She is an alumni of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) wherein her focus was on civic leadership particularly in empowering the girl child. Chido has attended various international and national workshops where she has facilitated discussions.

Chido hopes this platform will be an enjoyable and educative read.

You can Chido on the following contact details ;

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Chido Pamela Mafongoya.

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