
Dear Readers,

A warm welcome to our blog, Lex Amicus (‘Legal Friends’), your legal friends.
We thank you for visiting our page.
Our blog will focus on a wide range of topical, interesting and contentious legal issues. Often times lawyers write using ‘legal jargon ‘ that is difficult to understand for most people. Our aim is to simplify the law and encourage a better understanding of legal issues as much as we can. This blog is for information purposes only and should not be taken as legal or professional advice.

We were motivated to start the blog for the following reasons ;

  1. Giving back to the community – we feel as young legal practitioners, it is our duty to give back to the community by providing information that is freely accessible to all.
  2. Become mentors and inspiration to other young professionals. Through our writings, we hope to motivate other young professionals to do what they are passionate about.
  3. Quench our ‘ writing thirst ‘ – we believe this platform gives us a chance outside of the usual court / commercial drafting to fulfil our writing interests.
  4. To create change – they say if you want to make a change in life: charity begins at home. We hope that this blog will create some positive change to our readers and impact them in one way or the other.

Hope this will be worthwhile.

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